Pastry and Baking Essentials (CAPM_121.2)

This module is designed to introduce the students in basic skills and techniques related to the production of an assortment of bakery and confectionary goods.

This course provides the fundamental theories, skills and techniques related to introductory baking and pastry. Emphasis is placed on applying the basic pastry and baking principles related to mixing methods, piping techniques for cake decoration and exposure to classical and traditional culinary applications.

Introduction to Food and Beverage Service (CAPM_131.2)

This course provides students with a basic understanding of the fundamental functions and importance of the food and beverage department in hospitality operations and other contexts. Students will familiarise themselves with the main responsibilities, tasks, procedures and systems of food and beverage.

Core Cooking Methods (CAPM_115.2)

This course provides a broad understanding of the fundamental theory related to the core cooking methods and procedures by exposing students to an intensive practical training and refinement of culinary arts skills. Students will be able to identify and analyse the different ways heat is transferred to food by altering the molecular structure of a variety of food commodities.

Professional French I (CAFR_121.2)

This is the first level in a sequential series of French Language courses for professional purposes, open to both beginners and false beginners. The module, as all language modules, is aligned with the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) and intends to introduce students to the world of gastronomy and catering industry while developing basic language, communication and professional skills in the French language. The course includes topics mainly related to the kitchen organization chart and staff functions, the kitchen and restaurant departments and functions, as well as the different ways of catering and vocabulary referring to fresh vegetables. At this level, students will acquire basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and basic grammatical structure of the French language in order to communicate in their professional environment while providing quality services. They will understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs in their professional field. They will be able to interact in a simple way provided the other person communicates slowly and clearly and is prepared to help. Students are expected to be close to the A1.1 level of the CEFR.

Professional English II (CAEN_121.2)

This module, as all language modules, is aligned with the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR).  It aims to further extend the basic language skills in English focusing on communication in culinary professions.  By the end of the semester, students are expected to have covered the B1 Level.

Food and Nutrition (CACM_162.2)

This module is designed to introduce the student to the basic concepts of nutrition, current dietary guidelines and different dietary needs in relation to the food preparation industry.

The module provides students with a basic understanding of essential nutrients and their relation to the growth, maintenance and functioning of the body. Students will familiarize themselves with nutritional requirements of different age groups and phases of the life cycle. Current dietary guidelines and trends in nutrition will also be explored as well as their impact on the food industry.

Professionalism and Hospitality (CACM_163.2)

This module is designed to enable the students to acknowledge the need for professionalism and hospitality in the hospitality and tourism industry and prepare them for pursuing a successful career.